ESCE, École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur, is THE Grande Ecole de Commerce Extérieur, founded in 1968 on the initiative of the French Center for Foreign Trade, which has since become Business France.
Today, the school offers its students multidisciplinary courses that makes them experts in international functions, with incomparable employability in a job market open to the world and in a constantly changing environment. Initially based in Paris, the school has also had a Campus in Lyon since 1999.
ESCE has developed real proximity with all forms of companies (large international groups, ETIs, SMEs, start-ups), and strong links with international networks and institutions..
Our mission is to develop our alumni internationally, with respect for ethics, diversity and cultures, and to prepare them to successfully enter the job market as engaged citizens of the global economy.

Christophe Boisseau
Directeur Général
His approach is unique:
Enable future graduates to be ideally trained to succeed in their international careers.

An inventive pedagogy
Focused on the market economy but also social, environmental and solidarity.
Teaching methods at the cutting edge of technology and innovation.

A multicultural approach
Nearly 70 different nationalities on our campuses, intensive foreign language instruction and international internships and exchanges.

A multiplicity of specific career paths
Each student can define his or her own project and prepare for an international career.
Individual development at the heart of ESCE’s strategy
Since 2019, the school has implemented a system for evaluating all skills (technical, behavioral and linguistic) to help students integrate the strengths on which they can rely, the points to improve and thus stand out in their transition into the job market.
This work is materialized by the provision at the end of studies of a “Skills Passport” which brings together all the skills acquired by the student throughout their course and which is inspired by the skills assessments carried out by companies for several years. This pragmatic and innovative support is a real tool for legitimizing skills both for graduates and for companies recruiting with a certified document.
Taking digital transformation into account
The implementation of an innovative pedagogy allows
to enrich exchanges with students in a qualitative way, which responds to a desire for autonomy,
flexibility and diversity in teaching methods.
Beyond courses integrating a digital approach
the school offers online and hybrid programs allowing each student to develop their own point of view on the world by awakening their curiosity, to go further in their thinking.
They are validated like other courses by ECTS.
After “Geopolitics Meetings”, the “Humanities Forum” and “Doing Business In”, ESCE has just launched “Free Trade”, the podcast for International Business players.

The reputation of ESCE as a Grande École de Commerce International is based on its recognized expertise in International Management resulting from sharp and renowned research, its real proximity to all forms of companies (large international groups as well as start-ups) and partnerships signed with international reference networks.
- Co-founder with BUSINESS FRANCE and COFACE of FORMATEX (Permanent and continuous professional training in International Trade)
- Member of the International Commission of the CGPME
- Member of MEDEF Paris
- Partner of the National Committee of Foreign Trade Advisors of France (CNCCEF)
- Partner of the organization “Learning Montessori” to develop a different pedagogy within its programs. This is the first time that Montessori pedagogy has been implemented in higher education.

ESCE responds to a growing demand for executives with a truly international profile: curious, flexible, open and adaptable, with a real taste for discovery and human contact. Our agreement with a management and business school like ESCE holds promise for the future for all those who want to acquire concrete international experience.

Alain Bentéjac
Président des Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France