Digital Marketing Specialization

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The Digital Marketing specialization allows students to master the concepts, methods and tools of digital technology and to put them to use in the service of marketing strategy and business dynamics.

This specialization is offered only as an apprenticeship,
in French 🇫🇷

specific skills developed

  • Know how to place the web marketing approach in the strategy and economic dynamics of the company
  • Define and develop a digital marketing strategy
  • Know how to manage a Web project and run an online campaign
  • Measure, qualify and diagnose an audience
  • Improve the positioning of a website
  • Coordinate the marketing operations of a website
  • Manage digital projects
  • Manage the customer experience on the web

business debouchers

The Digital Marketing specialization offers the possibility tooccupy
different functions within companies that are open to the professions
of digital. The professional insertion can be done in all types
organizations: private companies, public bodies, agencies
communication, associations, as :

  • Community manager
  • Webmaster
  • Mobile Marketing Manager
  • Buzz marketing manager
  • e-reputation manager
  • E-commerce manager


  • CX and Web UX
  • Sector Marketing
  • Mobile marketing
  • Social network management and e-reputation

Les Other INTERNATIONAL BACHELOr specializations

Updated 4 February 2022