Classic only

In English and French

The International Sport Business specialization enables students to master the sports sector in its entirety, preparing them to become experts in joining sports companies (Federations, Clubs, Sports Brands, e.g. Nike, Adidas…) as well as companies that use sport in their communication and positioning (e.g. Coca Cola, Samsung, Rolex…).
What subjects are taught?
La connaissance du sport
- Sports associations
- The sports ecosystem
- E-sport
- Sports betting
Le commerce international à travers le sport
- The economics of sport
- Sports law
- Brand knowledge
- E-commerce
Le management
- The digitalization of sport
- Project management
- Managing sports organizations
Le marketing et la communication
- Communication and press relations
- Content marketing
- Sports marketing
- Web marketing
- Sports media
- Sports events
L’influence de la géopolitique sur le sport et du sport sur la géopolitique
- Understanding a country’s strategic and geopolitical culture through sport
- The respective influences of geopolitics and sport
- Optimizing the influence of a professional sport through the example of American sport
- Personal management through sport.
- LV1: English
- LV2: your choice according to proposals
Sport is a worldwide attraction: there are those who practice, and then there are those who watch!
There are the professions that accompany the practice of sport:
- Community Manager,
- Sponsorship manager
- Club Sports Manager,
- Equipement Sports & Loisirs operator,
- Store Manager,
- Sports Director,
- Logistics Manager…
And then there are the jobs that go with the sports show:
- Stadium Manager,
- Sports Event Manager,
- Sports Marketing Manager,
- Digital Marketing Manager,
- Director of Communications,
- Mobile Web Project Manager,
- Brand Image Manager,
- Merchandising Manager,
- Hospitality Manager,
- Promotion Manager,
- Business Developer,
- Sports product manager,
- Box office manager,
- Commercial …
To apply
Applications from French students or international students living in France
Applications from international students living in France
outside France