What is a professional degree?

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There are many opportunities for young students in search of training. To ensure their integration into the world of work, it’s important that they choose the right path carefully. A professional degree is one of the best options available. Let’s take a closer look at the process, the benefits and the areas available for this course.

In summary:

  • The professional degree, which lasts one year after two years of higher education, offers practical specialization in a specific field.
  • Compared to the general bachelor’s degree, it emphasizes the practical aspect.
  • Fields covered include commerce, IT, logistics, tourism and human resources.
  • ESCE offers a professional degree in international trade and customs management, combining theory and practical business experience.

What is a licence?

The licence is one of the qualifications in the LMD (Licence-Master-Doctorat) training system. It attests to the level of higher education and constitutes the first cycle of university studies.

This is a national diploma at bac +3 level, obtained after three years of study. It earns 180 ECTS credits (European Credits Transfer System). Typically, this course comprises six semesters, corresponding to around 1,500 hours of training.

On average, you have between 20 and 30 hours of lessons a week. Learning is categorized into two parts, namely lectures and tutorials. Each semester is made up of a varied selection of subjects, known as teaching units (UE).

What types of licence are available?

There are several types of licences: general licences, professional licences and double licences.

General licence

The general bachelor’s degree provides an introduction to various academic fields. It is aimed at students wishing to enter the arts, economics, science or law.

This three-year course provides general theoretical knowledge in a particular discipline. It prepares you for later specialization in a Master’s degree.

The professional licence

The professional licence lasts one year. It is dedicated to students who have completed two years of higher education (BTS, L 2…).

This training aims to provide specialization in a specific field. Selection is based on an application and a motivational interview. The curriculum includes around 500 hours of teaching, as well as a tutored project and work experience in the form of an internship or work-study program.

Double licence

This type of licence allows you to obtain two diplomas at the same time. It is possible to take two courses at the same school or at a partner school. You can choose different fields to ensure versatility of skills. Some students opt for similar sectors to accentuate their specialization.


General licence or professional licence: which to choose?

When choosing between a general degree and a professional degree, it is important to consider a few criteria:

  • teaching strategies: a traditional bachelor’s degree focuses on academic and theoretical training. In contrast, the professional licence emphasizes the practical aspect. It enables you to acquire technical skills;
  • admission procedures: depending on your level of study and the type of degree, you may or may not be eligible. A general licence degree is available after the baccalaureate. However, if you wish to enrol in a professional degree, you must have a Bac +2 ;
  • length of training: a traditional licence degree lasts three years, because of the theoretical courses you have to take. The period is relatively long, but you still get comprehensive information. A professional licence is shorter, with one year of study. Training is faster, because courses are directly focused on the operational context.

Why choose a professional degree?

The professional licence stands out for the specialization it offers. By focusing on a specific area, it helps you develop in-depth expertise. During our training courses, you’ll be in contact with numerous professionals and benefit from their experience.

The courses respond directly to the needs of the job market. This will increase your employability. This system can also reduce the cost of your studies. With an apprenticeship contract, partner companies pay the tuition fees.

What fields are suitable for a professional degree?

Professional licences cover a wide variety of fields. This offers the opportunity to specialize in different business sectors. Here are some examples of possible branches:

  • commerce and management: sales management, digital marketing, international trade ;
  • IT and new technologies: artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, web development ;
  • transportations and logistics: supply chain management, purchasing;
  • tourism and hospitality: sustainable tourism, hospitality and tourism management, hotel management;
  • human resources: recruitment, personnel management, skills development.

Where can I study for a professional degree?

If you want to study for a professional degree, you can go to a specialized school such as ESCE. The Customs Management specialization of the Bachelor International is offered in association with UPEC. Students earn an ESCE diploma and a UPEC professional licence.

The International Trade & Customs Management specialization is both practical and effective. It gives you the skills you need to meet the demands of the professional world.

During your apprenticeship, you’ll learn about the international business environment and how to approach global markets. This type of sandwich course gives you the chance to gain practical experience by working directly in a company.

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Updated 7 May 2024