Ambassadeur – Lisa CUNY – ESCE Accueil » Ambassadeur – Lisa CUNY – ESCE CONTACTEZ LISA First nameLast nameEmailMobile phone numberYou areYou areCandidatParentEducation levelEducation levelBACBAC+1BAC+2BAC+3BAC+4PremièreSecondeTerminaleDesired programDesired programBachelorGrande EcoleMaster of Science (MSc)Admission levelAdmission level1ère année2ème année3ème année4ème annéeAdmission InternationaleBachelor 1ère annéeBachelor 2ème annéeBachelor 3ème annéeDBAMSc 1ère annéeMSc 2ème annéePHDCampusCampusLyonParisCommentaryI agree that the information collected on this form may be recorded and processed by the schools and entities of the OMNES Education group for the management of my application (admission to the programs, organization of interviews and juries), the production of statistics, the sending of information (e-mails, newsletters, sms), registration for school events (open days, etc.), requests for documentation and contact.Contact ambassadorMis à jour le 4 décembre 2024