Why do CSR?

Master Ingénierie d’Affaires – PGE

Today, the challenges of climate change have an undeniable influence on the way companies do business. In light of this, the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR ) has become essential. More than just a trend, this approach demonstrates concrete actions to help organizations’ business models evolve. Why is CSR important?

In summary:

  • CSR reflects a company’s commitment to society and the environment.
  • Its motivations include financial efficiency and employee commitment.
  • Its challenges are based on three pillars: environmental, economic and social.
  • ESCE illustrates this commitment through various initiatives integrated into its curriculum.

CSR, a commitment to society

CSR is an approach defined by the European Commission and the ISO 26000 standard. It reflects the companies’ commitment and their social and environmental concerns. This initiative is totally voluntary and aims to contribute to sustainable development issues.

The aim of CSR is to establish committed, sustainable action in the day-to-day life of companies. This concept also improves the quality of life for employees and the community.

What are the motivations behind CSR?

The motivations behind CSR are manifold:

Financial efficiency

Consideration for quality of life and working conditions (QLWC) is a guarantee of improved company performance. Indeed, motivating employees improves their results and productivity. In the long term, CSR actions optimize the structure’s profitability and financial efficiency.

Employee engagement and loyalty

CSR initiatives offer employees the opportunity to participate in missions that have significant value for society. Supporting social or environmental actions gives a deeper meaning to their work. This strengthens their commitment. Moreover, socially responsible companies are more likely to attract motivated and qualified employees.

The CSR concept sees employees as key players in the development of organizations. This transforms human resources policies and encourages the creation of opportunities for professional development.

Growth factor

CSR is a growth lever for a company, helping it to stand out from the competition. By demonstrating its commitment, it creates a positive brand identity and image. This has an impact on customers’ choice criteria.

This approach enhances its visibility and market position. It boosts consumer confidence and builds customer loyalty.

How important is CSR?

CSR is important for companies, employees, consumers and society as a whole. It enables organizations to seize environmental opportunities. For example, it reduces their carbon footprint.

For employees, it promotes job satisfaction. Implementing these actions creates a better working environment. As far as consumers are concerned, the commitment of our companies gives them access to products and services that respect the planet.

At the level of society as a whole, CSR encourages organizations to invest in local communities. It encourages job creation and social innovation.

What are the challenges of CSR?

The challenges of CSR rest on its three pillars:

  • the environmental pillar: focusing on the ecological implications of companies. Priorities include recycling and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This also applies to the transition to renewable energies. The aim is to promote sustainable practices and environmentally-friendly technologies;
  • the economic pillar: this encompasses transparent financial management and the fight against corruption. This approach encourages us to support the local economy and buy from local producers. Companies are committed to improving efficiency and optimizing production costs;
  • the social pillar: CSR encourages the cultivation of well-being in the workplace. It guarantees the fight against social exclusion by encouraging the inclusion of people with disabilities. This concept ensures respect for human and labor rights. It also includes gender parity or gender equity. This implies a proportional balance between men and women in management positions within a company.

ESCE’s CSR commitment

ESCE stands out as a committed and responsible school. We recognize the crucial importance of social and environmental responsibility in today’s world.

At the heart of our educational mission, we prepare professionals to meet the challenges of the ecological transition. The school is part of the OMNES Education Group’s collective Corporate Social Responsibility approach: TIME TO ACT. It’s an initiative that takes concrete form in the daily lives of students.

It includes various actions directly integrated into the curriculum, such as :

  • SHIFT(s) programs;
  • citizens of the world” week;
  • the annual conference on ecological transition.

To combat social exclusion, all our facilities are accessible to people with reduced mobility or sensory impairments. The school undertakes to adapt examination conditions, teaching methods and teaching aids to the needs of each student.

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Updated 20 May 2024