Strategic Exploits at ESCE: Historic victory at the Global Challenge Awards Ceremony

Home » Strategic Exploits at ESCE: Historic victory at the Global Challenge Awards Ceremony

Friday December 15, 2023 at 4pm will go down in the history of ESCE, La Défense campus, as Team No. 4, led by the brilliant Adeline PHONPHIBSVADS, wrote its name in gold letters by winning the coveted TSR (Total Shareholders’ Return) trophy at the Global Challenge awards ceremony. A historic moment that consecrates the team’s exceptional strategy and places ESCE at the pinnacle of strategic excellence.

What is the global challenge?

The CESIM GLOBAL CHALLENGE game, a strategic and international management simulation developed by Cesim, offers a unique opportunity for students to improve their understanding and skills needed to manage global business operations in a dynamic and competitive environment.

Incorporating principles relating to the Environment, Social Responsibility and Governance (ESG), the game encourages participants to adopt a holistic approach to business management.

The winning team

The winning team, led by Adeline PHONPHIBSVADS, took advantage of this advanced simulation when managing a global technology company, facing the challenges of technological and market evolution in three distinct global regions.

Adeline PHONPHIBSVADS, a 5th year student specializing in Management & Consulting, has established herself as an outstanding strategist. His far-sighted vision and exceptional leadership were the cornerstones of this historic victory. She was able to galvanize her team and guide them towards excellence in a dynamic and competitive environment.

Congratulations to Team No. 4 on this outstanding achievement. Their success demonstrates that perseverance, strategic intelligence and teamwork can lead to extraordinary achievements in the business world.

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Updated 20 May 2024